Why do I procrastinate?

First of all, there’s nothing wrong with you. Procrastination is NORMAL. Completely and totally normal. EVERYONE procrastinates. However, if it’s interfering with your work or your goals, it’s time to work on it. Today, we’re going to do just that. Let’s talk about why you’re procrastinating. And then we’ll dive into what you can do…

I got nothing done today …

Didn’t get anything done today? That’s just your trash-loving raccoon brain talking to you. It thinks the best way to motivate you into action is to point out all of the things you didn’t do and how you’re falling short. This method of motivation doesn’t create more action; it creates more mind clutter. And just…

I’m so behind

I’m so behind. How often do you feel this way? When you’re feeling behind, you’ll frantically spend your day rushing around, trying to playing catch up (sometimes just in your head, not even doing actual work). You’ll get annoyed with interruptions – you have no time for that. But then you’ll also find yourself accidentally…